Hello sausage lovers, I present to you today my recipe for Isterband (lard strips?), which is one of the few unique Swedish sausages that has little to no counterparts in other European food cultures. It was also the first sausage I ever made. Isterband is a rebellious and bold sausage from southern Sweden that defies the typical rules of sausage production. Smoky, sour, and crumbly, it stands as a stalwart example of traditional Swedish sausage production, and I am delighted to share my Isterband recipe with you all. Many Swedish sausages owe their origin to German sausage making traditions. Falukorv, Varmkorv/Wienerkorv/Prinskorv are of German origin. They utilize German techniques and spices, and are appropriated into Swedish cuisine from Germanic sausage culture. There are few Swedish sausages that are uniquely Swedish. To name a few: Cognacsmedwurst, Isterband, Fläskkorv/Julkorv, Svensk Hästkorv, Isterband, Spickekorv, Renkorv, etc. I...